7 种常见的训练过度症状 | 7 Common Overtraining Symptoms

现如今,大多数人不只是积极健身,而且锻炼的比以前更加严苛。极限健身如HIIT和Crossfit正变得越来越流行,有人每周训练5次,6次甚至7次。但是多少才算多呢?虽然我们对这个问题并没有一个准确的丈量方法,以下是几种能帮助你避免这种情况发生的方法:Some of us are not only training more, but harder than ever. Extreme modes of exercise such as HIIT and Cross-fit are gaining in popularity with some people training five, six, or even seven days a week. But how much is too much?Although there is no magical formula to determine when you’ve reached that point. There are steps you can take to prevent this from happening to you.
                                                                                             什么是训练过度?What’s Overtraining




Common in many types fitness activities, overtraining happens when you perform more training—both in and out of the gym—than your body can recover from. More severe overtraining can take weeks, or months of recovery.

Picture your body as an electrical socket that powers all of your daily activities.It is a metaphor for your body’s central nervous system. Your CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, which control your muscles through sending nerve impulses. When chronically overstressed, these nerve impulses can weaken and become inefficient, which can lead to a host of overtraining symptoms.

Some of the factors that lead to acute overtraining include a sudden increase in exercise frequency, intensity or duration of training sessions, as well as not allowing your body adequate recovery. Genetics, as well as the length of time you have been training, known as training age, also play a huge factor in your ability to resist overtraining. Now let’s look at the Top 7 Common Overtraining Symptom:

1 积极性下降 Lack of Motivation


Lost all drive and motivation to train, or really perform any physical activity? Your body is telling you that you need to rest and recover because you are doing too much.

2 在某次运动后感觉异常酸痛 Feel Especially Sore


Highly dependent on nutrition, if you’re eating enough while training hard but still feel intense soreness after your workouts, there is a chance overtraining has set in. As most newbies often do too much too fast, overtraining is common in beginners Remember the first time you trained your arms and you couldn’t wash your hair for a week? Or how about the first time you did legs and dreaded walking up stairs for a week?

3 握力下降 Lose Your Grip Strength


One of the best ways to determine if you need to take a break from lifting is to test your grip strength. You can use a dynamometer, or more easily, a gripper to regularly measure your grip strength. If you have a lot of trouble closing a gripper that’s normally very easy for you, your central nervous system is fried and you need to back off from training. Keep in mind the gripper will be harder in the morning first thing when you wake up, so test your grip strength in the afternoon.

4 无法睡眠以及集中注意力 Become Restless and Lose Focus


Typically found in strength or power athletes or those who train with high intensity intervals, what happens is your sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive, causing hyperexcitability, restlessness, and inability to focus. This restlessness makes it even harder to recover, as I can’t stress enough how important sleep is for recovery and consistent gains.

5 一整天行动迟缓 Feel sluggish all day


Another effect of overtraining the sympathetic nervous system, this often happens with endurance athletes. Again, the result of decreased testosterone and increased cortisol levels, in some cases causes debilitating fatigue that feels like you’ve come down with a cold. I typically recommend intense workouts of shorter duration due to the effects of long duration endurance training. Just because you are physically able to run 10 or more miles each week doesn’t mean that you have to.

6 关节、骨头和四肢长期的酸痛 Soreness in your joints, bones and limbs


Post workout soreness in the form of DOMS (delayed onset muscle fatigue) is normal, but if you experience intense and prolonged soreness, you may have done too much.

7 变得容易生病 You are sick more often


Very often caused by a combination of things such as lack of sleep, poor diet, not enough activity and mental stress, if you think you are on point with all of these things and still find yourself getting ill, it may be due to overtraining.

It’s really easy to ignore those early morning sniffles or a cough here and there, but make sure you listen to your body. Those little hints could be telling you that something is wrong with your immune system from your increased training volume.

About the author : admin

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